Workplaces in Kensal New Town –

There is currently a lot of redevelopment along the northern end of Ladbroke Grove with the construction of a huge housing development called “The Ladbroke Grove”. This new building stretches from Kensal Road south to the steps that still lead down to Southern Row. We are going to take a stroll down the steps and recall what was there in the past in particular the places that provided employment and useful services.

doorways.Lad grove.jennifer

The ph0to above showing the dark entry to the steps on the left of the old tobacconist/sweetshop was taken back in 2008. The bright blue building on the right was built on the site of Hamrax (shown below) a landmark for all motor bike owners in West London.

Hamrax Motors Ladbroke Grove 1999.ssBiker Dave Hucker recalls the shop seen above in 1999 (photo from RBKC local Studies)

This Ladbroke Grove institution served motor bikers, three-wheelers & custom car owners needs for over 40 years.

Inside the 3 blue shop fronts,  were stacked a cornucopia of mechanical porn. It was packed floor to ceiling with parts. The ceiling had bits of bikes – like exhausts – hanging off it. Every square inch seemed to have something shoehorned in. There was stuff that had not moved in 20 years. There was no filing system or any rhyme or reason to it all. But the staff knew exactly where every little part was, because they had put it there.

There seemed to be a large number of cubbyholes – which the person who served you seemed to reach deep into. There was ingrained grease and dirt on the frequently touched surfaces. A smell of oil and old dust hung in the air. It called it self Happy Hamrax . With a sign outside- ‘You Bend’em We Mend’um’.

Hamrax also was one of the biggest stockists of spare parts for the AMC Corporation. The Plumstead manufacturer of AJS, Matchless, Francis Barnett & James bikes. They had bought up all the stock of spares when AMC closed down.

hamrax adHamrax was started by Don Houseman and someone called Butch in 1953 in a tin shed in Scrubs Lane, Motorbikes were still utilitarian transport for many people. Cars were for export only at this time. They moved to Ladbroke Grove in about 1960. They did have a reputation for grumpiness and not suffering fools gladly. But they knew more about everything to do with bikes than the person buying probably did and then there was the person who whilst buying a 10p nut or bolt fastener would tell them their whole life story and all about their Tiger Cub. Hamrax had a workshop round the back in Southern Row that was very busy, certainly with my Triumph Trident which always seemed to be in there!

I was on a flight to Japan once and over Mongolia, I got talking to the elderly gentleman beside me. He asked where I lived.

“Ladbroke Grove”, I said.

“Do you know Hamrax?” he asked? “I get bits for my AJS from there”.

So the rest of the flight was spent talking bikes.

Dave Hucker 2016

At the bottom of the steps on Southern Row Hamrax had their workshop. The blue gates can still be seen as in this recent photo. Underneath is a photo from 1969. The large tenement building with the laundry hanging from windows was Victoria Dwellings.

backof Hamrax 2015 snyder.2015


Southern Row west end

Outside Hamrax’s Workshop at the bottom of the steps on Southern Row, 1969 (RBKC Local Studies).

Along West Row Dalyte engineering works also known as Deco occupied workshops on both sides of the street.

West Row west side Deco Engineering 1969

West side of West Row, 1969. (RBKC local studies)

West Row east side 27 onwards 1969

Eastern side of West Row 1969, (RBKC local studies)

The photo below is of the workers from Dalyte (Deco) on West Row . It was sent to me by Helen Tilley.

Dalyte Engineering Co West

My father Bill Morse is the man on the very far left of the shot holding the newspaper and it was taken in West Row.  I can’t tell you the date exactly, but from the clothes and the general ‘feel’ of it I would say late 1950’s to early 1960’s.  Hopefully someone else might be able to pin point it a little closer.  My father worked for Grill Floors which was part of the Deco or Dalyte as it was locally called.  He worked on a site that was on the left of West Row as the photo is looking towards Kensal Road. The main Dalyte site is shown on the right, where you can see a white banner with ‘& Co’ written above the entrance.  My Grandparents Phyl and Albert Capp along with my mother Marion and her brother Peter lived at 19 West Row which was almost next to that entrance.

At the moment I don’t have any more information about the Deco.  I know that the subsidiary company Grill Floors moved to Peterborough in 1966 and we all moved too. I think Deco made light bulbs and fittings, quite a big concern judging by the number of people in the photograph.

Helen Tilley 2015

Many of the houses in Southern Row were originally built as working laundries, with large double doors leading to yards behind.

Southern Row.Ernest005

This photo above of former laundry houses on Southern Row was taken in 2008. On our last walk around Kensal in 2015, the houses were in the process of redevelopment.

Below, the same houses in 1969. The laundry sign is visible over the double doors.

Southern Row 1969 (RBKC local studies)

For many years only one laundry remained in Kensal, the White Knight,  a family business  with premises that went from Kensal Road back to Conlan Street providing employment for many  women- and that finally closed it’s doors last year, so here are a few photos that were shown to us by the owners when on a trip around the premises in 2005. The Laundry is still a thriving business but no longer based in London.

Top left shows the Petrol station that White Knight operated on Kensal Road. Across Kensal Road can be seen another local workplace, Askeys Premier Biscuit Company, famous for their ice cream wafers.

Of course there were many more work places in the Kensal area and the nature of work has changed. The factories have become ‘studios’ and now the studios are becoming flats. If you have memories or photos of workplaces in and around Kensal please send them to or put them in a ‘comment’ below.

n.b For more photos of Southern Row go to Dave’s blog at Local Studies

Local studies blog

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13 Responses to Workplaces in Kensal New Town –

  1. Ian says:

    I well remember Hamrax in the early 1960s as I was always there for bits for my Lambretta scooter then my Francis Barnet motor bike, there was a big bearded man serving always helpful, I needed a crank shaft for my scooter as the dynamo woodruff key way was US due to an accident, he said one would cost a fortune and sent me to their other shop in the Harrow Road for a second hand engine, the chap there opened a trap door in the floor and there were about twenty or more Lambretta engines with their gear boxes laying all on top of each other, he said take your choice, so I got another engine including gear box for a fiver, carrying it home was another matter !

  2. John Buckle says:

    My father worked at Decco engineering so to see that picture of him (with a bus/coach in the back ground) and his brother is wonderful. Thank you.

    Decco made electrical switch gear (mainly high power) and cable drums for power stations and conveyer belt runs.


    John Buckle

    • Alan Watson says:

      Hi John
      I read with interest your mention of the Deco Works – I would be interested to hear if you know of any records of the manufacturing there. The photos above appear to show the name of the Dalyte Co on the east side of West Row and Deco occupying both sides. I remember seeing an image online of an advert for Cable Reels by Deco in Kensal Town – do you know of anything like that? I can be contacted on Kind regards, Alan

  3. Edward Towers says:

    Amazing how it has changed. I now live in one of the first time buyer flats they have built as part of the main scheme, incredible what was there before!

  4. Becky says:

    My grandma worked in a nursery in Kensal road during world war 2 I’d love to know more about it it was called Kensal rise

    • My own grandmother also referred to a nursery school in Kensal Road as, during WW2 she was evacuated with the school to West Wratting in Cambridgeshire, where she and some of the children spent the war. She had before the war been a school cook at the Open Air School just across the canal from Kensal Road.
      We, at Kensington and Chelsea Community History Group (no longer in existence) researched the nursery school for a book and we found that there had been one at 325 Kensal Road, called at the time North Kensington Nursery School. There is a picture of the children in 1932 that came from a scrapbook of photos. It later was called Ainsworth Nursery School and it moved into Trellick Tower. I don’t know where the scrapbook is any more.
      From Sue at NorthKensingtonhistories.

  5. Becky says:

    Thank you sue that’s really helpful if you, I’d love to be able to find out more somehow. What was the book that you wrote?

  6. Patrick says:

    Great to see Hamrax again! Helpful, informative lot; they did MOT’s. God alone knows how many spares, and for what, they supplied. I recall a pet cat the colour of sump-oil, but it looked contented enough. Their engineer Chopper worked in the place around the back; you had to say ‘Hello Fred’ to his dog. There were other businesses in the area that gave useful services.

  7. Roy Kerry says:

    I grew up in West row my mum daisy every worked in the white knight laundry I went to middle row school all my school life left in 1957 at 15 hrs old my mum lived in West row until her death in 1978 there was two pubs in West row the little house and on the corner of southern row the Forrester Ted camp was the landlord also a totters yard run by Tom sivers and son he always wore a dark suit and bowler hat and carried a stick he lived in number 6 West row and my mum my brother and sister and me lived at number 10 opposite the dairy and rons cafe on the corner of Kensal road hopes this brings memories back for someone

  8. KEVIN HUGHES. says:

    It would be so nice if someone out there remembers Rendle Street where I was born. Very near Wornington Road where I was moved to as an infant in 1961and then as an adult in the new Wornington Road. If only there were a photo of my Birth Road……

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